
Ace Your Next Job Interview


The resume and cover letter help get your foot in the door, but ultimately the job interview plays the largest role in earning an offer for the IT position of your dreams. Ensuring a great performance on a technology interview takes preparation, practice, and a clear head on your big day. Additionally, be sure to spend extra time with your dress and personal hygiene.

With a successful IT job interview in mind, here are a few other tips on how to do your best when under the gun. Good luck, and soon a top technology position will be yours!

Include Real Interview Questions During Practice

When preparing for the real thing, be sure your practice interview sessions include actual questions. Tigran Sloyan, CEO of CodeFights, commented on the importance of this extra step.

“The reality is, interview questions you face at most companies are very far away from your day job so make sure to do some research and practice using real questions that appear on interviews,” said Sloyan.

Ask Meaningful Questions

Spend time researching the company in question so you are able to ask meaningful questions when prompted during the interview. Companies are looking for candidates who do their homework and also have the insight and business acumen to become a valuable employee. A thoughtful question or two helps trigger a conversation where you can display these skills.

Other Items to Research

Some quality research before your interview offers other benefits in addition to being able to ask an insightful question or two. Search for a forum where fellow tech candidates who already interviewed with the company describe the process they encountered. Understanding what to expect beforehand helps you feel a little less nervous on your interview day.

“Knowing what you are dealing with and what the thinking process is behind the scenes will drastically improve your chances,” adds Sloyan.

Be Mentally Prepared for any Result

Sure, maintaining a positive attitude is a good idea before any interview, but also prepare yourself for any outcome. You may perform well during the interview, but the job could go to someone else – for whatever reason. Always focus on the positive, and you will be ready for the next opportunity to shine.

When you need additional advice on successfully managing an IT job search, talk to the knowledgeable team at MindFinders. As one of the top IT staffing agencies in Washington DC, we can help take your tech career to a higher level. Connect with us as soon as possible!


Written by Tim Booker, President and CEO of MindFinders, with over 20 years of industry experience.


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