The keys to job satisfaction are fairly universal; professionals want quality communications from their company, the ability to progress in their field, be challenged on a regular basis and maintain a sense of work-life balance. In many industries, those objectives feel achievable by workers at any stage in their career. But the tech world isn’t necessarily one of those places.
Technology businesses are often accused of favoring the young, and many have even faced age discrimination allegations as a result of their practices. But, even when a company is operating in accordance with the law, it appears that new tech pros may be disproportionately happier than their older counterparts. Why is that the case? Here are some insights that can provide you with clarity on the issue.
Career Stage
Younger workers are typically near the bottom of the hierarchal totem pole at tech companies. Often, this means they have fewer responsibilities and are working to build their experience in their chosen field.
However, IT professionals are also typically well compensated, so younger workers may be receiving higher wages than their peers who are working in other industries and experiencing a substantial upward shift in lifestyle. These initial impressions could lead them to self-report increased job satisfaction when compared to those that have worked in the field for some time.
Younger Workforces
Large tech firms, like Facebook and Google, tend to have a younger workforce than the national average. This could be related to a higher number of entry-level positions, but it does impact how the companies choose to operate.
For example, a technology business may be more inclined to adjust their benefits and perks based on the desires of the majority. For younger staff members, this could include options like flexible scheduling and telecommuting options.
While some older workers appreciate these as well, some prefer the traditional office-based 8 to 5 to which they are accustomed. They’ve adjusted their lives and personal obligations to match that standard, and fluctuations in these areas may disrupt their perceived work-life balance.
24/7 Tech
Millennial workers are used to technology permeating their lives and may find satisfaction in their personal online activities. With that in mind, they may be more engaged by the idea of working in tech than those who don’t rely on technology in the same way during their daily lives.
Further, advances in tech have blurred the line between work and personal time. More IT professionals are expected to be accessible at all times, and younger workers may be more adept at adjusting to this paradigm. Older workers may not appreciate how devices like smartphones have made it nearly impossible to totally disconnect from work, decreasing their overall satisfaction with their position.
However, even when considering these points, that doesn’t mean older workers are actually unhappy with their jobs. Instead, it presents the idea that job satisfaction in the field may skew in favor of younger workers, making it appear as though the older members of the workforce aren’t as happy as they actually tend to be.
If you are interested in learning more or would like to hire a tech pro to join your team, the professionals at MindFinders can help you locate top IT talent in the area. Contact us to discuss your needs today.
Written by Tim Booker, President and CEO of MindFinders, with over 20 years of industry experience.