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MindFinders Celebrates 18 Years in Business!

MindFinders Celebrates 18 Successful Years in Business

In honor of 18 years in business, President & CEO Tim R. Booker, shares a heartwarming moment of reflection and gratitude:

“March 21, 2019 made 18 years to the day that MindFinders was founded. I am grateful for every moment; whether challenging or rewarding. Our continued success come from our two biggest assets, our customers and our employees.

Our customers continually show their confidence in us by giving us their business, sharing new opportunities and because of our outstanding work, they  consistently recommend us to others. I am truly grateful to all of our talented and dedicated employees whose efforts, commitment and steadfastness give us all reasons to be excited about our future.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank my family, friends, and business associates who have been supporting our efforts for many years.”

Happy Anniversary MindFinders! Here’s to many more!



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