Most professionals are also on social media. Whether they use options like Facebook to keep up with family, Twitter to share information and find news, or LinkedIn for their professional network, social media is a common tool for the majority. But, when you’re looking for a job, what you do (or don’t do) on these sites can affect your chances of being hired. Here’s what you need to know.
You Need an Online Presence
Many are surprised to hear that not having social media profiles can actually hurt your chance of getting hired just as much as having questionable content on your page. In fact, a recent survey showed that more than half of hiring managers wouldn’t pursue candidates who can’t be found online. A professional profile is essentially becoming a must-have for job seekers, as these pages help employers gain the additional information that just isn’t available in a traditional cover letter and resume. So, without an account on a site like LinkedIn, you may get passed over regardless of your qualifications.
You Must Control Your Content
While most people are aware that having certain questionable content on your social media profiles can hurt you, it is truer now than ever before. Businesses are more aware of their company culture and are looking for signs that a person might not fit in. Posts or photographs that are provocative in nature or suggest discriminatory tendencies towards a specific race, gender, or religion can all lead hiring managers to discard your application. Additionally, signs of excessive drinking or drug use or potential criminal activity are also harmful.
Hiring managers are also going to be put off by posts where you badmouth current or previous employers and co-workers, as it could indicate you are difficult to work with or have a negative attitude. Further, if you have confidential or proprietary information about your prior work, they may be worried you’ll share work-related details that should be kept private.
It is also important to note it isn’t just what is expressed that employers consider, but also how it is said. Hiring managers may review posts and messages for signs of poor communication skills, including issues with spelling and grammar. In many cases, people post to social media with less care than they exhibit in professional writings, but failing to do basic edits can hurt your chances of being selected for a position.
Your Facts Must Align
Most people track their accomplishments on social media, including current and previous jobs, and educational achievements. However, if the information you put on your resume doesn’t match what is recorded on your social media accounts, this is a major red flag for employers as it suggests you may be lying about your background on one forum or another.
If you would like more information about how your social media profiles can affect your job search or what opportunities may be available in your field, the recruiters at MindFinders can provide the information and options you need. Schedule some time to speak with one of the skilled members of our recruitment team today and see how our services can help you reach your goals.
Written by Tim Booker, President and CEO of MindFinders, with over 20 years of industry experience.